The Swedish Center for Preventing Violent Extremism (CVE) shall, based primarily on crime policy grounds, strengthen and develop preventive work against violent extremism. The primary aim of the center is to prevent ideologically motivated criminality and terrorism in Sweden. The center is placed under the auspices of Brå, the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention, and was established on January 1, 2018.
The Center for Preventing Violent Extremism is tasked with developing the knowledge-based and cross-sector work involved in preventing violent extremism on the national, regional, and local levels in Sweden. This will include, among other things, providing needs-based support to local actors, serving as a knowledge hub, and contributing to creating greater effectiveness and coordination in respect of the preventive measures.
The center has four main tasks:
- Promote the development of preventive work on national, regional, and local levels.
- Work to attain a higher degree of coordination and effectiveness in respect of the preventive measures.
- Provide support tailored to the needs of municipalities, agencies, and other actors whose work includes addressing issues involved in preventing violent extremism.
- Collect and disseminate knowledge, based on research and proven experience, regarding prevention of violent extremism, and work towards knowledge-based practices.
The center collaborates with relevant national, regional, and local actors which work with preventing violent extremism.
Publications in English

Men, Masculinity and Violent Extremism - A summary